Participatory Streetwear


Not just another label


NUDE is a genderless streetwear brand catering to a growing market segment of street fashion in India. It is India’s first ever value proposition that aims to create fashion by the community, for the community. At NUDE we aim to increase efficiency with how we make clothing available for our target market. Integrating technology and community building efforts with intersectional designs, we aim to democratize the autonomy of demand for fashion. Thus developing a process that co-creates apparel for all.


A breakthrough platform for participatory fashion that maps customers demands with market supply at its maximum efficiency, optimized pricing and highest utility


Community fashion is not seen or felt in India. The apparel market for D2C brands is emerging at a fast rate. Mostly the demand and supply in the fashion industry is linear, thus curbing consumers from participating right from the design stage of fashion. It also prohibits freedom of expression of designers, fixed/fragmented compensation for their work, linear judgment for the designs made by them, linear brand guidelines etc. In a nutshell, it prohibits creativity and intersection of various design styles. Streetwear is raw and intersectional in nature, and can allow a combination of varied design concepts and styles. For instance - a traditional design concept can swiftly integrate and be represented in streetwear. Due to the linear nature of the Fashion Industry and lack of participation of all stakeholders in the supply chain we have singular brands.

NUDE aims to rip open the market, break the existing linear methodologies and create a community driven approach to fashion. Thus, it aims to engage with all stakeholders on a single platform where interaction between designers, buyers, and other stakeholders is seamless, automated and proactive. Consequently leading to better demand prediction, optimized costs of fashion, bold and expressive intersection of unrelated design segments, better payouts for designers, less of wastage, increased efficiency and participatory growth in the market.